Greetings everyone on Newground my name is TheArtist213, aka claw213, aka bear213, aka ArtHeart213, aka ShootingStar213. Yeah I am on allot of drawing sites, I am an artist after all and I love to show my crappy art. Anyways I am here to show my art to a new group because I cant get better not practicing and people are different on every site. Here I will be posting my comics, games, drawing, and one day hopefully animations, don't know how to do that, so I am learning from Jazza. Sick artist he is. anyways I tend to try to make friends and mentors where ever I am so I hope to make that here. I draw comics, make games, play games, and I am a software tester, so I brake software for a living, well I will very soon. So if you can help me draw better that would be most apprecheated. Sorry for the poor spelling, I am a artist, not a poet.